Thank you to all of the citizens who continue to stand strong and fight for clean air and reduced mining in Draper. For everyone who has taken the time to come to City Council meetings, write your Mayor, Council and educate your neighbors about the proposed expansion of Geneva Rock this is a victory for you!
It was only after the citizens had a tremendous outpouring of concern with their air quality that the mayor and staff decided to investigate these zoning amendments. As a result of the citizens’ efforts, a resolution was introduced by the Draper City Council on October 30, 2018, to give notice of pending amendments to the Major Manufacturing (M2) Zone pertaining to the mining/mineral extraction use in Draper City. The Council has directed the City staff to initiate the process to amend the city code to be consistent with this resolution.
I made an amendment to the Resolution to address regulations governing all mining, quarry, sand and gravel excavation operations, including both those currently permitted and nonconforming. This amendment will mitigate many of the problems we are currently facing with the Geneva Rock mine. One of the key provisions of my amendment will address the sand piles and already mined areas that have not been reclaimed as required.
I think this is a true victory for the citizens and shows that your voice does matter. I believe these are the first steps the City can take to protect the air quality in Draper.
This item will now move forward to the Planning Commission, where they will take input on the proposal and make a recommendation to the City Council. At a future meeting, the City Council will take comments at a public hearing and then vote to approve, not approve or take no action on the item.